Friday 6 October 2017


Exploring the deep sea waters for hours without an oxygen tank, floating in Space without a space suit, traveling the world from your bedroom. What if I told you that this is all possible - today, but how?!

Some of you may already know the answer, but for those of you who are still wondering, it's simple - Virtual Reality. Remember the Matrix? Well that shit's here, maybe not as advanced...yet, but the forge in Silicon Valley has been hot for the past couple of years, with dozens of companies developing hardware,content and apps. The possibilities of VR are endless and it is exciting to see how life will change as a result.

Whether you are a tech geek who's always on or you don't know the first thing about VR, it is virtually impossible for you not to find something of interest in this blog. Explore this page to find out more about the history of this technology, all the different gear out there and other exciting topics.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more posts!